Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, there's not a whole lot happening in the land of MacDonald these days...unfortunately we're in a 5 week stretch of not being together and Mrs. MacDoanld is not liking it very much.

Only on week 3 now. Last week was pretty dark and depressing for me. I really hate being away from Phil. But I've been trying to do a few things to make the time apart better for myself.

This week I put up my littls Christmas tree. Its still early, sure, but it makes me smile to see it there on my windowsill. I'll need to take a picture and post it up. Last weekend I started in on Christmas shopping as well and I've found it a lot of fun shopping to make my husbands Christmas special :) I'm quite excited for our first REAL Christmas together!

Lately I've been reading a lot and getting through a lot of books. That is something I've always enjoyed. I need to get inspired to get back to my own writing...someday I may even finish a book I've started writing!

Recently though, the writing I've done has been in my personal blog. Since I started this one for our family, my old Nannny Poppins blog has gone back to being just for me. Last week I must say my entries were probably nothing but depressing, but I've found it very theraputic to just throw my negative emotions out into the blog and somehow it lets me leave part of them behind and move on happier. Hopefully there'll be some more positive things there...I'll work on that.

I guess its the fall weather, but I've also really felt the need to get cooking again. This weekend I made beef stroganoff, garlic potatoes and parmesan yummy! I can't wait to be in Canada with Phil all the time so I can cook for more than just me. I really enjoy it but I enjoy it most when I can share the results with those I love.

Phil is doing well and working hard. This weekend I've been so impressed by how much more he's gotten done with getting the house in order. I can't wait to see it in a few more weeks.

One thing I'm really excited about is the Santa boxes this year! At Christmastime Phil's family helps deliver Santa boxes to families in need. I was so touched by this last year and this year I'll be lucky enough to be in Canada for one of the weekends they'll be participating in this! I can't wait to get to join in with them and make Christmas special for others!

Hopefully there will be more exciting things to report on soon...for now, lots of love to all our family and friends! XOXOXOX

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