Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Immigration Update!

Everyone asks Phil and I constantly how things are going with immigration and when I'll be up in Canada permanently....its an excellent question and believe me, we wish we had the answer! Immigration has been one major pain in the behind and seriously confusing. Most of the times people have asked we've had nothing to report because we've been sitting around waiting for this or that...its all very time consuming and sitting around doing nothing and having nothing to report was getting pretty frustrating. But today we actually DO have some things to report and its making me feel really positive that we're heading in the right direction and that the destination really is in sight!

First off...today I finally got the copy of our marriage certificate. This little piece of paper couldn't be requested until 10 weeks after our marriage and it is needed for immigration and for changing my name on all my documents so that when I apply for residency it will be in the correct name. Sooo glad that it is finally in my possession...now tomorrow I can go get my Driver's licence change and can start the process of getting my other documents switched as well. That and my medical exam are the last steps before we can submit our paperwork for permanent residency! (YAY!)

Also with my marriage certificate came some pictures that Chloe and Abrianna drew for me! So cute and gave me such big smiles! Thanks girls! XOXOXOX Love you!

(Its sort of hard to tell in the photo...they each drew me a picture from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets of Harry in the flying car!)

The second bit of immigration related news is really exciting! Last time I was in Canada we were recommended to try this nanny agency in Ontario. I gave them a call, not expecting too much since I had been VERY disappointed in what I'd found in the agencies I'd already spoken to months back. However, this agency sounded great and seemed very excited to work with me. Over the last couple weeks I've been getting information together for them and today they informed me that a family who lives very close to Phil's house is very interested in me! If I could get a job offer in Canada I'd be able to apply for a work visa which is significantly faster than applying for residency...I could be in Canada permanently in a matter of just a couple months rather than 6+ months! I haven't spoken with the family yet but I'm told they want to meet with me while I'm in Canada over Christmas....say some prayers and keep fingers crossed for us! We're really hoping it works out that I find a job and will be there very soon!

Other stuff going on with us these days...I'll be going up to Canada for Christmas from the 23rd through New Years! Can't wait! Only 9 days to go!

Phil is singing in a special Christmas choir at church next Sunday which I'm sure will be awesome. Bummed I won't be there but hopefully next year we'll be singing in it together!

For New Years we're planning to head to James and Martha's which will be a ton of fun!

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! Lots of love to you all!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend #2

Last weekend was US Thanksgiving and we got to spend it with my brother James and his family. Phil, Chloe and Abrianna drove down to James's house while I drove up (nice that they're literally right in the middle of the two of us!) The kids all got along great and had a blast and we had tons of fun cooking and relaxing and all being together.

Chloe helped me cut, core and peel the apples...

Martha taught Phil how to make deviled eggs...

This year I am so thankful for my wonderful husband!

After our Thanksgiving dinner we all drove back to Bowmanville where I got to spend the rest of the weekend. Friday while Phil was at work I spent time with Alishea going to a movie. Friday night Phil took us all to see Harry Potter (Finally! Yay!) which was wonderful. Saturday morning we slept in and enjoyed a family breakfast together then got ready and headed out into the snow to help deliever Santa Boxes!

That was so much fun! Saturday evening we had the sister missionaries over for dinner (Pot roast and apple pie...yum yum!) The evening ended with movies and I found myself sandwiched between my sweetheart and Chloe all cuddled up together....Life doesn't get much better! Sunday was church and the lameness of goodbye...can't wait to be back for Christmas!